A critical pedagogy, which are linked to and I loved to study, is Maria Montessori. She was born in Clare Valley in 1870, he graduated in medicine and surgery in 1896 with a degree in psychiatry, becoming the first woman doctor in Italy. As a physician, initially took care of disabled children with learning deficits mental and subsequently had the important idea of \u200b\u200busing the developed in this field with the non-disabled children. He was convinced, in fact, that the disturbances go attributed more to the abnormal environmental organic deficiencies. Montessori for an unfavorable environment adversely affected by eliminating the possibility of development even in non-disabled children. Learning, is to move from one type of absorbent mind a kind of conscious mind, arising, that is, from processing inner stimulated by contact with the outside world. Learning is always an effort to adapt the world to themselves, whatever the age and context. The thought Montessori includes a suitable environment, a humble teacher and director, and finally the use of scientific material. She founded the Children in 1907 .. in the suburbs of Rome.
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