The game rules , implies submit to a rule or law for all, and it occurs most often from the seven or eight years, in addition, it is the type of game that is most often in adults. In previous years, self-centeredness does not allow the child to understand the views of others and, therefore, to have common activities. Therefore, it makes the races, imitating the external aspects of the game without following the rules. School age, however, created interest in the games and their rules. It 'really amazing to observe the inventiveness of children in the proposed rules are always new and the seriousness with which the following, as may seem trivial to an adult. With this seriousness they preserve mutual trust, and when they win, they really have the feeling of winning. This is crucial to learn how to follow the rules and consider the rights of others: this has an obvious social value and is also an exercise to become good citizens. The child can understand that social relationships, to be sustainable, are based on the rules. You learn that when you set up a given social structure, may act within it, have fun and relax without fear of be removed. Are useful in those games that the child can do with parents or friends, whether at home or outside.
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