Hello, Today I will speak of what is central to the work as a teacher, or education. In today's world it is essential, essential! The term is used to indicate the formation of man (understood both as individuals and as a group) directed to the clarification of themselves, their unique physical, mental and spiritual. Means any deliberate and conscious action of the adult (and society) to help the child grow and develop in harmony , in view of the continuous enrichment of its size, and in order to promote its positive, active and critical environment in which integration has to live. We can say that the educational experience for humans is what is necessary, costitutivo.Essa can be defined as the set of events that, through interpersonal communication and cultural transmission, allowing for the development and growth, and So the transformation, both individual and social, and it is clear that in fact it is and continues to be critical for the constitution of the history of the world ...
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