Friday, December 26, 2008

Forgiveness To A Best Friend


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I am fortunate to know Willy, a friend who over the years has been a real treasure.
read her "diary" was to me going over all in one breath that a man of many adventures and eclectic lover of beauty as Willy has lived with extreme simplicity, humility and enthusiasm.
the only event dedicated to myself, God willing I am not a descendant of Christopher Columbus, I do not forgive because this discovery has caused the steminio the natives of the continent by Turtle those who colonized.

Tino Gianbattista Colombo
To contact Willy Ribolla

Monday, December 22, 2008

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Letter to a child about to be born ..

What have you heard so far in the world through the water and the taut skin of the belly of the mother? What did they tell you your ears of imperfect our fears? Can we pretend not want you, watching you do not fill your space with words, invitations, prohibitions? We will notice you even by your silence, to meet your growth without burdening with guilt and grief? Will we hold our contact without being required frantic or blackmail of affection? I wish your Christmases were not full of gifts signals sometimes brash-but our absence of attention. I wish that adults who were able to meet authority, firm and consistent: the quality of the wisest. Consistency, I'd like for you. And the knowledge that exist in the world where you will be in addition to the rules and relationships that are no less necessary to each other, but faces of this same moon. I'd like someone to teach you to follow the emotions are like kites with the breezes most unexpected and brazen, all, even those who know pain. I'd like you to say that life includes death. Because the pain is not only empty but affection loss, acquisition as well as subtraction. Death is a witness that the best of us leave to others in the belief that it can benefit: thus was born the memory, the memory is the most beautiful story of our own identity. I'd like someone to teach you to be alone, you would save lives. No need to catch up with mediocrity to fill voids, or mercy or an hour a glance of love. Learn to create life in your life and fill it with imagination. He loves your anxiety until you have strength and smiles, tries to use it to contaminate others, especially the most vulnerable and fearful. Give them your brave wind, hear the silence with their curiosity, also in keeping with their excessive fear. I would like the person you most love to love your leave as a sailor who sees his old boat and float away wise along the horizon line. And then you bring that love with you, tucked away in your pocket more intimate.
ps: this letter I got it from a book consigliatomi in high school or, "We are not able to listen to" Reflections childhood and adolescence Paolo Crepet. A letter that leads us to reflect on our time and on parent-child relationship.

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Computer and video games .. The child and the knowledge

Today I would like to reiterate my idea about using the computer, gaming by the child. First of all I do not think that your computer or worse damage the child, it is logical that if I leave a child 3 or 4 hours attached to the computer this time leaving me in all things there must be a happy medium can not completely deny the 'use of technology in our society they are a source of information and knowledge. The use of computers is a way of knowing the world, to be updated, in step with society. But it must not become an obsession, but I support the computer for educational purposes and cognitive .. As for gaming I find it a bit 'stupid completely ban these games, I'd be in favor of games that aim to develop certain intellectual skills, or games that relate to school subjects, some are otherwise games of violence and aggression. According to me everything is going to set a relationship of trust and responsibility with the child, as an educator who is a parent, I know if I respect myself, I have confidence in the child know how to explain the use of certain technologies and put me next to him to make him feel my presence, explain that you can only play a few hours a week, I do not see why I can not leave him free to play and recreation (everything is set up in the report).

Thursday, December 18, 2008

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2 .......

An intervention aimed at enhancing awareness and flexibility in the use of cognitive strategies may be the computer . This tool is qualitatively different from traditional ones, invites the student to ask questions, make decisions on which operations compiere.Partendo assume that the computer does not do anything that is not being told to do, we believe that it realizes the potential that we attach, there is the passage from " what you want to do" to "how it must be done . In order to acquire the subject knowledge of their own mental mechanisms and know how to control their learning strategies, it is important that he can see in retrospect the path followed .... This is a mental quality of the computer as it enhances metacognition through feedback, offering the ability to record the actions taken by the person on it, and to return a report immediately.
may be opportunities for the development of metacognitive competence , including recreational programs such as video games, the premise that everything is measured and used in manner and in a timely manner to the development of the child, they require intuition, automatic response, push to achieve the objective to devise different strategies, ... r iflettendo mechanisms adopted, it is useful to help the student to apply what they learn through The media, in this case, the computer becomes a valuable tool for him to learn more about the world. (I mean mechanisms for the ability to use different strategies depending on the situation and the problem).

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The child and the know ........ How

Another area that has attracted the interest of researchers is related to as the children arrive to know what they actually know. ... psychologists use the term metacognition to refer to an awareness of the processes pensiero.Si talk about metacognition in reference to this set of mental activities that underlie the cognitive functioning. If cognitive processes relate to mental operations inherent in the thinking, reading, remember, imagine, solve problems and make decisions, then the size metacognitive of these processes is represented by knowledge, evaluations, decisions that cause the process to be activated, conducted in a way rather than another, corrected, completed or interrupted. In this attempt to define its way a classic distinction in the theory metacognitive : between ... Metacognitive knowledge covering everything a person knows and believes the process works, and ... metacognitive control , consisting of the continuous evaluation of the process that allows you to locate the difficulty of the task, choice and Change the strategies used to do it. Several scholars recognize the importance of metacognitive competence has to improve performance in cognitive tasks. In fact, it was found that in general, .. the more a person is conscious what it does and how your mind works and the more it is able to operate a control over their own cognitive processes, the more positive results obtained in the activities you do ... In this regard, these data lead us to argue that the difficulties highlighted by some students in school work may depend, not only by the lack of basic cognitive skills necessary, but also from a poor or bad knowledge that the student has in relation to the strategies of thought and behavior that make effective the study. Consequently, a person may get poor results because it organizes its work so dysfunctional as to what he is, out of his activities small benefits. From this we can say that it is important to use strategies to solve homework or just for the child in the small difficulties of every day .. In the next post I will continue with this topic.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

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becomes the figure of the teacher / trainer?

We can say that his role changed from that of " dispenser of information" to "facilitator of cognitive" , who knows how important it is to be effective know, an environment where the self can be tested in a secure manner during his crescita.Naturalmente this figure is still not well defined professional If today we speak of media educator must have a thorough knowledge of the media, their mechanisms and other skills such as being able to plan and participate in the educational project for students, evaluating the outcomes and dealing with emotional and social environment that is created in the community. He must have a good empathy, questioning must know, these things are also in common with the traditional teacher. Some psychologists and educators have outlined a logbook for educational that helps you to think about HOW and WHY 'you're doing the thing. This consists of five sections: 1) OBJECTIVE 2) ADVANCE, 3) PLANNING 4) Monitoring, 5) EXPERIENCE. addition also changes the mode of teaching and learning, for example, change the role of the teacher as a transmitter of knowledge becomes an organizer of the research process of knowledge. It 'important that the teacher / trainer itself as a "learner" with the children and, above all, know "what", which wants to acquire cognitive skills and strengthen its pupils.

Monday, December 15, 2008

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Maria Montessori Maria Montessori

Each developmental stage is a sensitive period for a particular type of learning which is aimed at making profits and directed by instincts guide. Each learn by doing, but to do this is neither repetitive nor random. The Montessori considered the traditional teaching repressive and there opposed a standardized teaching consisting nell'astenersi, so that the child could have the space to act personally. For this reason, the teacher had to put special care in building the learning environment, in this sense can be found teaching the functions of these facilities, enrichment and guidance. Finally, in Montessori pedagogy is of considerable importance the use of educational grants and scientific instruments built specially tailored for children ". Next time I will speak of the role of facilitator / trainer.

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... 2 ... The thought of the Agazzi sisters

A critical pedagogy, which are linked to and I loved to study, is Maria Montessori. She was born in Clare Valley in 1870, he graduated in medicine and surgery in 1896 with a degree in psychiatry, becoming the first woman doctor in Italy. As a physician, initially took care of disabled children with learning deficits mental and subsequently had the important idea of \u200b\u200busing the developed in this field with the non-disabled children. He was convinced, in fact, that the disturbances go attributed more to the abnormal environmental organic deficiencies. Montessori for an unfavorable environment adversely affected by eliminating the possibility of development even in non-disabled children. Learning, is to move from one type of absorbent mind a kind of conscious mind, arising, that is, from processing inner stimulated by contact with the outside world. Learning is always an effort to adapt the world to themselves, whatever the age and context. The thought Montessori includes a suitable environment, a humble teacher and director, and finally the use of scientific material. She founded the Children in 1907 .. in the suburbs of Rome.

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2 ... The kindergarten

Some interesting aspects regarding the thought of Agazzi sisters are the following: the development of the senses, language, singing, working, gardening and agriculture. The development of the senses occurs through interaction with the environment that surrounds the child and offering new and ever-changing stimuli. The ability of the teacher is to capture every idea comes from everyday life and transform during learning. This makes it possible to develop both the skills and perceptual abilities abstract logics. As for the language , the teacher's role is to guide the child to learn through stories, through stories through dialogue, the rules that govern the language and its use. And through the singing develops the spiritual side of the child closer to the world of pure sound and art. The work must be manual because the child learns by doing. We must teach the child how to proceed in stages, according to an orderly progression of cases. E 'task of the teacher facilitate learning, choosing activities simple and fun for children as the design, development of small jobs. Among the practical activities play a prominent treat the plants and the earth, this helps children learn about taking the very nature, real life teaching.

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Agazzi sisters .. The game

Between the end of '800 and the beginning of our century in Italy are developing two educational experiences fundamental to the history of child pedagogy: the nursery and children's home Maria Montessori . Today I will talk about two fundamental pedagogical education for children, the Agazzi sisters . They follow the model Fröbel propose a transformation of the nursery even more suitable for children. Education must be characterized with a family atmosphere and emotional when the child is accustomed marked by the presence of maternal educators. Their nursery was established by an experiment. It 's based on the practice of active school, children learn by doing, refine their skills by doing. An extremely important aspect is the preparation of teachers. They must join the human qualities of patience, availability, organizational ability, firmness, even a culture in order to teach. Next time I will address some more specific aspects Agazzi sisters thought ..

Sunday, December 14, 2008

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of rules .. The building game

The game rules , implies submit to a rule or law for all, and it occurs most often from the seven or eight years, in addition, it is the type of game that is most often in adults. In previous years, self-centeredness does not allow the child to understand the views of others and, therefore, to have common activities. Therefore, it makes the races, imitating the external aspects of the game without following the rules. School age, however, created interest in the games and their rules. It 'really amazing to observe the inventiveness of children in the proposed rules are always new and the seriousness with which the following, as may seem trivial to an adult. With this seriousness they preserve mutual trust, and when they win, they really have the feeling of winning. This is crucial to learn how to follow the rules and consider the rights of others: this has an obvious social value and is also an exercise to become good citizens. The child can understand that social relationships, to be sustainable, are based on the rules. You learn that when you set up a given social structure, may act within it, have fun and relax without fear of be removed. Are useful in those games that the child can do with parents or friends, whether at home or outside.

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Regarding the building game it with the game rules, is the typical school age. The entry of the child in the school coincides with a curiosity and an interest in things that seem insatiable, and this is reflected in love for the collections, classifications and hierarchies . He is, therefore, keen to collect figurines or different types of objects, to recognize the various models of cars. This evolution is also reflected in the game. You notice more and more precision in order to reproduce reality. The child is breeze to build, to realize something: already 18 months, when it builds a tower of cubes, is a building game. Now, though handling is such an important building that we can talk about old buildings and old mechanics. Are to promote games that train dexterity, stimulate imagination and creativity, and encourage socialization.

Friday, December 12, 2008

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Symbolic play .. The game

Regarding the symbolic play, it starts around 18 months, is distinguished by the fiction and the use of various symbols. It 's the game "act as if ..", the "pretend .." . The child was initially apply symbolic action on itself, then any type of object. He changed his role from time to time to playing and organizing large complex actions. At the center of this kind of representations are adults, and this is the period in which the imitation and identification are beginning to influence the development of personality. In representing adults is evident purpose and compensatory replacement. The small child, helpless and with resources limited, pretends to adult life and change real feature of his desires. The life of play and imagination also has a psychotherapy purpose: it needs whipped, aggression and fears of hidden you are a small drain valve . In daily life he will have a happier life and appropriate. E 'useful to provide toys that will enable them to perform tasks that has been imposed, helping to increase self-confidence.

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In these next post better go into the various forms of gambling, beginning with the year game. At first the baby needs to act independently. Begins to exercise his abilities for the sheer pleasure of physical function, movement for its own sake. The first games therefore refer to your body gradually, over time, capers around, open and close your hands, it emits sounds . In its activities include the small number of objects, and the simple pleasure function adds the pleasure of success: shakes a rattle to produce sound. In the first two years of little dexterity improves and the game operation is becoming more frequent and complex: the characteristic of this period of life is the perpetual activity. It 's best to provide the child with toys movement, sounds, bright colors and contrasting complex shapes and articulate.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

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play, laugh and grow ...

In today's post I intend to talk about a fundamental activity for the child, or game. This term can be defined as a period "suitcase " refers to a collection of different things, is characterized by freedom and spontaneity. Its purpose is fun, and has two main functions: a function-
socializing, as the game failing to respond fully to the need for socialization, and help the child to leave his ego and put themselves in others' shoes,
- a diagnostic feature, in fact looking a child at play can be drawn about his personality.
We can say that the game fosters intellectual development. According to Piaget, the game takes various forms with the child's age and we have thus game exercise, typical of the way phase motor, symbolic play, the more frequent in the preoperative phase , game construction and to rules, which appear in the stage of concrete operations. As for the toys to be given, the child gets the most benefit if they are suitable developmental stage that is going through . "The child has to make his experience gradually. Grow stronger and serene as best he could further his experience "D. Perez, secretary of the Italian Committee for the childish games.

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The child and the world ... The essential

The issue that I deal with today is how the child comes to know the world around him, and through this point of view of the psychologist Piaget. Piaget's theory has contributed to a greater weight on the intellectual growth of children, he emphasizes the biological functions and environmental influences that give way to the evolutionary changes of the organization or structure, of the intellect. The Swiss psychologist defines intelligence as a vital function key that helps the body to adapt to the environment. This is a form of equilibrium to which all cognitive structures tend. Piaget described the intellectual growth as an active process in which children repeatedly assimilate new experiences and their cognitive structures to accommodate these experiences. Adaptation and organization make it possible for children to build a growing understanding of the world in which they live. Piaget was able to identify four models of age-related reasoning and that, in its view, represent different stages of intellectual growth. These major periods of cognitive development are:
-stage motor direction (from birth 2 years),
pre-operative stage (2 to 7 years),
-the stage of concrete operations (7 to 11 years),
-stage of formal operations (from 11 years onwards) . According to Piaget
all children pass through these stages without being able to jump, because each stage builds on the completion of all previous stages. Piaget's theory is a theory of education, but many educators have learned from the work of the psychologist, that children are naturally curious individuals who learn best with building their own knowledge through experiences of relatively new, that the information that stimulate their understanding and cause them to re-evaluate what they already know

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education! ...

Hello, Today I will speak of what is central to the work as a teacher, or education. In today's world it is essential, essential! The term is used to indicate the formation of man (understood both as individuals and as a group) directed to the clarification of themselves, their unique physical, mental and spiritual. Means any deliberate and conscious action of the adult (and society) to help the child grow and develop in harmony , in view of the continuous enrichment of its size, and in order to promote its positive, active and critical environment in which integration has to live. We can say that the educational experience for humans is what is necessary, costitutivo.Essa can be defined as the set of events that, through interpersonal communication and cultural transmission, allowing for the development and growth, and So the transformation, both individual and social, and it is clear that in fact it is and continues to be critical for the constitution of the history of the world ...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

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AIPM Pilots Association Mountain "News" and calendar

Calendar AIPM 2010 ,
the newsletter plus the faxsimile to go to fly in the mountains

Click on pages to enlarge them and make them readable

Check out this video

Dear Umberto Venturini
your beautiful piece sulGran Sasso no doubt about it.
But without malice and for the sake of truth, the substance of the footnotes should know that "Wikipedia" represents the world and is dell'inattendibilità biased.
(A friend's son Airborne Official Fighter in El Alamein I wrote in Wikipedia that it changed the text of the grant of the MOVM Aberto Bechi Luserna cosider from him with false reason ...).
In your notes on Erbert Kappler, however, should be added that the gold reserve of gold has never reached the Gemany but was stored at Fort from where CSR Italian Social Republic in one of his first actions Government has recovered to be deposited intact at the Banco di Napoli. Source
State Archives
Gianbattsta Colombo

In one of the "Gypsy" I discovered the passion play of the legendary Commander Joseph Dallai for healthy NOCINO, which told me to have a large collection of recipes ...

Caro Pippo see how my curiosity led me to the Primate of the recipes below riportatata experiment.

Result taste.

Good, bitter taste, good aftertaste that lingers for long time in the mouth.

It just a teaspoon to be satisfied.

short shorts stuff rubella.

The "Vin Santo di Noci" from the processed product is left I have not tasted .... It happens with seeds abstainers. There

vdiamo Santa Luzia at the San Giacomo Colombo

Tino Gianbattista


40 unripe walnuts,

10 cloves
1 piece of cinnamon,

1 lemon,

1 kg of sugar,
1.5 liters of alcohol at 90 °

3.5 dl of water.

The walnut is a good digestive. Some legends demand that the nuts were gathered and touched only by the hands of young virgins, but, given the time, we only advise you to gather and make the preparation of the liqueur in the period close to the feast of St. John, that is June 24. Cut the nectarines into four parts, without depriving them of the shell, and put a rare mace ¬ in alcohol in a sealed jar with the spices and lemon rind. Let steep for forty days, shaking the jar every day. At the end of this period prepared a sweet syrup by boiling water with sugar for 5 minutes, let cool and add it to macerate contained in the vessel. Filter through to remove any impurities. Some ingredients of infusion
reuse leaving them to steep for another ten days in a bottle of dry white wine: they get a sweet drink liquor and almost as much as Vin Santo.