"history of aviation" Why did the plane
A series of curious illustrations designed by Jean Marc Coté in 1899 and published now, with commentary by Isaac Asimov "Nostalgia for the Future", ed. Rizzoli, 1988) shows the people who go to the Opera with the rate plane, a subway, which regulates the traffic of aircraft on sky of a city (stopping in the air!) while there are no cars or cars to horses running in the streets.
Apart from the freak of these pictures, the concept of the conquest of the air circulation as a means of transport wheel with two, three, four seats, as was the horse carriage now and then as the car was very popular in that era: the Brazilian pioneer Alberto Santos Dumont, after using a blimp to visit his friends in their villa on the outskirts of Paris designed P built a small airplane, which he called the Demoiselle, which he used for its suburban travel. We observe in passing that there were no high-voltage lines make it so dangerous to low flying today. The airplane
dream property for individual use long-lived, at the time of Balbo A plan to give all the officers of the Royal Air Force pilots an airplane owned on favorable terms, as well as the Officers of Arms were mounted right to one or more "forage rations for their horses. Facilitation, which rested on the assumption, for more just, that all time spent in the saddle, even for sporting activities, was useful training officer. And the argument could then be extended to the airplane and today, although the principle remains that each hour of driving on any type of aircraft, is always valuable experience for the pilot, the specialization required to operate with modern combat aircraft is such that nothing can replace the specific training.
But back to the dreams of our grandparents, all firms that were epic about the aircraft were performed by a maximum of two people on small aircraft from crossing the Channel by Blériot in 1909 at New York-Paris flight of Lindbergh in 1927. The flight made by Balbo with large formations of seaplanes in the aftermath struck the imagination of the masses especially the number of aircraft operated, not for the size of each hydroplane. She was born in that period even commercial aviation, but in Europe it was a very small minority of people who were being served by air in preference to the train. In America
aviation collective was more successful, but in that vast continent was also born the very first plane for all, in 1931, called Taylor Cub, the name of the factory Taylor Aireraft Tavlor Gilbert Company was its president and William T. Piper secretary and treasurer in 1936, Piper took over the factory. The Piper Cub J3
, which appeared in 1938, was the first non-military aircraft produced in large quantities, Piper wanted to become "the Ford of the airplane."
In 1950, when it ceased production of the Cub, it had been produced 23,512 copies of each, not a figure comparable to the production car, but it is always a good number.
The Piper Cub is a small masterpiece (many still fly it), simple, light, gentle, stable and "honest."
Who would sit at the controls for the first time was surprised to find that flying is so easy, easier than driving a car. There is no clutch or gearbox, the streets of heaven have bollards or ditches. In a few lessons could be learned to take off, climb, turn, fall and even land, you also learned to avoid the deadlock, a danger that the media is not earth.
In America, the small private plane experienced a widespread, and the same happened in Australia, New Zealand and in parts of Africa land from large spa-zi, poorly populated, poorly served by the train.
Unlike the case of Europe, the spaces are small, densely populated, cut them from the border-nee. In particular, the complex orographic situation in Italy, the rugged coastline, the intensive cultivation and the extremely variable weather conditions make flying difficult and dangerous to view on many days of the year.
Yeah, but today with the possibilities of the instrument flight ... But here we change the mind-net address for the pilot and the plane-no, the pilot must have the qualification to instrument flight, and as we are the country where the degrees are easy "all doctors", which is also a donut- realmen know how to do-you, must be trained, re-used to fly only by reference to instruments. You need not be a genius to fly IFR, but to do it safely you have to do often, otherwise it may include errors or oversights that make you pay caris-sime, when there is a layer of clouds to be drilled should know very well where you are, you have no idea how many mountains you can find in the clouds. The e-roplano must be well orchestrated, mu-nite transponder and efficient anti-icing system, and multi-engine, an emergency engine which understood the above obligations or in the clouds and going down now has very little chance of be-completed it.
The private airplane has found its strategic and from a good spread in the form of twin-engine, turbine generally, instruments such as an airliner and usually entrusted to professional pilots. The small airplane to use as a car but did not take hold: if the start of the pioneers in Article providing for development and not dreamed of mass air travel at Mach 0, 9 today and Mach 2 -3 Tomorrow could not imagine the pro-progress of electronics engineering, aerodynamics and structures that underlie modern aircraft line-no. And maybe they thought that to fly in bad weather and poor visibility enough courage that they had in abundance.
commercial aviation has been brought up by governments with subsidies and concessions until they could stand on its own legs. The private aviation did not have these benefits, the planes belonging to companies like Fiat, ENI, etc.. could affect the financial statements of companies themselves and their ac-purchase costs and operating costs are part of the deductible expenses from income. The private plane real-mind instead is burdened with heavy taxes and various fees, door immediately to the owner under the lens of the tax and is taxed more than four times the value of a yacht.
But maybe the reasons are not all listed here and we help our readers give us their views we will be happy to discuss it.
Apart from the freak of these pictures, the concept of the conquest of the air circulation as a means of transport wheel with two, three, four seats, as was the horse carriage now and then as the car was very popular in that era: the Brazilian pioneer Alberto Santos Dumont, after using a blimp to visit his friends in their villa on the outskirts of Paris designed P built a small airplane, which he called the Demoiselle, which he used for its suburban travel. We observe in passing that there were no high-voltage lines make it so dangerous to low flying today. The airplane
dream property for individual use long-lived, at the time of Balbo A plan to give all the officers of the Royal Air Force pilots an airplane owned on favorable terms, as well as the Officers of Arms were mounted right to one or more "forage rations for their horses. Facilitation, which rested on the assumption, for more just, that all time spent in the saddle, even for sporting activities, was useful training officer. And the argument could then be extended to the airplane and today, although the principle remains that each hour of driving on any type of aircraft, is always valuable experience for the pilot, the specialization required to operate with modern combat aircraft is such that nothing can replace the specific training.
But back to the dreams of our grandparents, all firms that were epic about the aircraft were performed by a maximum of two people on small aircraft from crossing the Channel by Blériot in 1909 at New York-Paris flight of Lindbergh in 1927. The flight made by Balbo with large formations of seaplanes in the aftermath struck the imagination of the masses especially the number of aircraft operated, not for the size of each hydroplane. She was born in that period even commercial aviation, but in Europe it was a very small minority of people who were being served by air in preference to the train. In America
aviation collective was more successful, but in that vast continent was also born the very first plane for all, in 1931, called Taylor Cub, the name of the factory Taylor Aireraft Tavlor Gilbert Company was its president and William T. Piper secretary and treasurer in 1936, Piper took over the factory. The Piper Cub J3
, which appeared in 1938, was the first non-military aircraft produced in large quantities, Piper wanted to become "the Ford of the airplane."
In 1950, when it ceased production of the Cub, it had been produced 23,512 copies of each, not a figure comparable to the production car, but it is always a good number.
The Piper Cub is a small masterpiece (many still fly it), simple, light, gentle, stable and "honest."
Who would sit at the controls for the first time was surprised to find that flying is so easy, easier than driving a car. There is no clutch or gearbox, the streets of heaven have bollards or ditches. In a few lessons could be learned to take off, climb, turn, fall and even land, you also learned to avoid the deadlock, a danger that the media is not earth.
In America, the small private plane experienced a widespread, and the same happened in Australia, New Zealand and in parts of Africa land from large spa-zi, poorly populated, poorly served by the train.
Unlike the case of Europe, the spaces are small, densely populated, cut them from the border-nee. In particular, the complex orographic situation in Italy, the rugged coastline, the intensive cultivation and the extremely variable weather conditions make flying difficult and dangerous to view on many days of the year.
Yeah, but today with the possibilities of the instrument flight ... But here we change the mind-net address for the pilot and the plane-no, the pilot must have the qualification to instrument flight, and as we are the country where the degrees are easy "all doctors", which is also a donut- realmen know how to do-you, must be trained, re-used to fly only by reference to instruments. You need not be a genius to fly IFR, but to do it safely you have to do often, otherwise it may include errors or oversights that make you pay caris-sime, when there is a layer of clouds to be drilled should know very well where you are, you have no idea how many mountains you can find in the clouds. The e-roplano must be well orchestrated, mu-nite transponder and efficient anti-icing system, and multi-engine, an emergency engine which understood the above obligations or in the clouds and going down now has very little chance of be-completed it.
The private airplane has found its strategic and from a good spread in the form of twin-engine, turbine generally, instruments such as an airliner and usually entrusted to professional pilots. The small airplane to use as a car but did not take hold: if the start of the pioneers in Article providing for development and not dreamed of mass air travel at Mach 0, 9 today and Mach 2 -3 Tomorrow could not imagine the pro-progress of electronics engineering, aerodynamics and structures that underlie modern aircraft line-no. And maybe they thought that to fly in bad weather and poor visibility enough courage that they had in abundance.
commercial aviation has been brought up by governments with subsidies and concessions until they could stand on its own legs. The private aviation did not have these benefits, the planes belonging to companies like Fiat, ENI, etc.. could affect the financial statements of companies themselves and their ac-purchase costs and operating costs are part of the deductible expenses from income. The private plane real-mind instead is burdened with heavy taxes and various fees, door immediately to the owner under the lens of the tax and is taxed more than four times the value of a yacht.
But maybe the reasons are not all listed here and we help our readers give us their views we will be happy to discuss it.

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