electric motor on hydrogen. The presentation in Turin
ROME A plane 100% ecological, with an engine with fuel cells powered by hydrogen. It will be called "SkySpark" DigiSky of the new aircraft, made in collaboration with the Department of Aeronautical and Space Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino (DIASP), that tomorrow the Environment Park of Turin will be presented to the public and the press. The project is totally unique eco-friendly thanks to innovative technologies related to hydrogen-powered electric motor used to power fuel cells, providing an environmental impact near the zero.Compatto and ultra light, SkySpark, will weigh maximum of 600 pounds with a range of two hours without refueling. This will allow the airplane to travel 500 km at a speed close to 300 km / h.La DigiSky the challenge is to meet with the SkySpark is to beat the world record for speed and durability for an electric plane used to transport people, using only hydrogen as fuel.
written by Bruno Madama
Article by Robert Pecnik
A wingsuit flying, or simply generates a resistance which reduces the vertical velocity? Well, actually fly a wingsuit, since there is a strong surface high enough to get such a low speed vertical and a horizontal flight path as well. The only force available to push the wingsuit is gravity. What the wingsuit trying to do is use the drop speed generated by gravity and convert as much as possible in-flight orizzontale.Lo same principle applies to gliders, hang gliders and even the sails of the paratroopers that everybody knows. The wingsuit flying because it is an airfoil, just like the wing of an airplane, a sailboat or the shuttle launch (at the time of the shape and flight characteristics of the suit is more comparable to the Shuttle than any other flying object).
The suit, like any airfoil generates lift and drag. The better the relationship between lift and drag, the better off. Given a particular aerodynamic shape, this relationship between lift and drag varies with speed. There is a speed for which this report is the best, and this speed is typically 30 to 40% higher than the stall speed (ask any glider pilot which is the minimum speed and what is the best glide speed, the 90% of the time the answer will be 55-65 mph minimum speed and 80-90 km / h Best glide). Flying to the best gliding speed it travels a distance greater to the extent available.
flying at a speed higher or lower traveling a shorter distance. Any flying object has its minimum speed which can generate enough lift to fly. Below this speed, you lose lift and stall. (Think to launch gliders, they also stall and lose lift .. In this case the horizontal speed is zero or nearly so, while the vertical velocity approximately doubled). The same goes for a wingsuit, you need speed to fly. Question, what is the best glide speed for the best in a suit? It 's a very complex issue because the suit is not a rigid profile. Each pilot flies in a different way of behavior, using arms and legs in a different way and each has a different body position. This means that each driver has a different airfoil. Add the difference in weight and size and different lengths of arms and legs and the whole issue becomes even more complex.
This is why it is so difficult to measure the minimum speed for a wingsuit. But there is one rule for each object that flies. The relationship between wing area and weight is known as wing loading. Most of the paratroopers are familiar with that term in reference to their sails. The higher the wing loading, the faster sail, but will also have greater stall speed. Today, the sails are used with wing loadings between 0.5 and 1.3 pounds per square foot. Hang gliders have a wing loading of about 1.2 / 1.5 and the speed and minimum around 35 km / h. A Cessna plane usually has a wing loading of 20 and its lowest speed is about 80-90 km / h. The shuttle, with its small wingspan, and wing loading are very high, lands in more than 350 km / h.
For a person of average size, the suit has an area of \u200b\u200babout 15-16 square feet, and weighs about 170-190 pounds. This leads to a wing loading of 10.5 to 12.5. Ten times higher than that of a sailboat launch. Math calculations tell us that for a wing loading 10 times, the minimum speed will be roughly three times higher. This is consistent with measurements made on flight with wing suits, where the best plan of which was reached at a speed of 130 km / h. At that speed the rate of vertical was 40-50 km / h, resulting in efficiency between 2 and 2.5. It can fly at speeds lower than vertical, but it also means less speed ina horizontal plane and therefore worse.
Regarding attempts to land with the suit, we would need a top wing surface to generate more lift and thus reduce the minimum speed. But the human body has its own form, which is not designed to flight, and we need a few million years of evolution to change it to a more appropriate form. This means that the potential to generate more lift of the suits is limited by poor form and strength of the human body. The only option for better lift is some kind of rigid wing, but this already exists, are called airplanes.
So if you are still thinking to land a wingsuit, you do a normal jump, but after the opening try to put in a horizontal position (you can do by hooking the straps to the back foot) and try to land with a small elliptical canopy in that position. After this painful experience, the pain multiplied by 9 (3 times the speed = 9 times the force of impact = 9 times the consequences), and decide if you still want to try.
original article by Robert Pecnik - http://www.phoenix-fly.com/
Italian translation by Bruno Madama

http:// lacianciadellargonauta.blogspot.com /
Tomorrow students winners of a flight class, sponsored by the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci "in Milan will be the guests of the Tricolour Arrows. These are young people from different high schools in the province of Milan, who will visit the air base of revolt. The boys with their teachers and the museum director, Fiorenzo Galli, will be welcomed by the commander of the Second Squadron of Looking, Col. Alfonso Delle Nogare. During the day the students also attend a flight training aspects of Tricolour Arrows, coordinated by the ground commander of the PAN, the largest Massimo Tammaro.