Silvio Berlusconi has said officially and publicly that if you were going to vote with this electoral system does not reach 20%, but with the new system would introduce arriverrebbero to 30%.
So all the shit that you have told to this day, in newspapers, on television, that the change would be to change the electoral law and civil right for all Italians, is a sensational dancing, but also knows that my father is Berlusconi was an iron up to a year ago. SAVE THE PRIOR
ROME - If the former came into force Cirielli, 50% of the cases pending in the Supreme Court barred. At the 3365 actions taken into consideration, the proceedings in the Supreme Court may, if the requirement came into force the law ex-Cirielli, renamed by the opposition Law "Previti-saving" would vary between 1,414 and 1652. It 's the result of the technical assessment carried out in Piazza Cavour and forwarded to the Minister of Justice. "I reserve the right to verify them," said Justice Minister Roberto Castelli. "I have not seen the report - said the minister - though I think it is important to provide consistent data, otherwise it is hard to understand."
According to the Supreme Court, the entry into force of the law "Previti-saving" would be to require many processes especially those related to crimes of corruption that may be extinct in 88, 8% of cases. In specifying the study shows that for manslaughter in the Supreme Court pending the requirement age for 57% of cases reported to prison not less than 6 years and 36.8% reported pain in more than 6 years. Eleven out of 15 cases required a "serious fraud to receive public funds." The pending cases would be required to wear in 64% of cases, 26% of "fraudulent bankruptcy", while 23% of the "peculiar". Finally, for "abuse in the family, hang 76 appeals: the requirement to mature for 51 (67.1% with penalties of not less than 6 years) or for 27 (35.5% for sentences of more than 6 years).
The analysis considers only the main crime committed by excluding from the count in competition with the first but less serious than it: so the data are understated.
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