A live on Mars Volta
New York, October 26th - Live album coming for the Mars Volta. On 8 November, the U.S. training Scabdates release, recorded at concerts held between 2003 and 2005, and accompanied by a series of images taken by Danielle Van Ark, longtime collaborator of the band. Here's the complete lineup of disc: Abrasions Mount The Timpani
Take The Veil Cerpin Taxt
a) Gust Of Mutts
b) And Ghosted Pouts
a) Pt I
b) Pt II
c) Pt III
d) Pt IV
Monday, October 31, 2005
Friday, October 7, 2005
Can You Put Orajel On Your Penis
As you may know someone, our politicians have reduced his salary by 10%, well you say, I say bad, and here's why:
So, until a few months ago are all elected representatives were to pay a part of their salary to their party, about 10% exactly, and this was common to all.
Well, since the revolutionary work of the parliament, the same with a pincer movement, have tripled, tripled the funds say their respective parties, and thus have removed the tedious and annoying rule for the deduction of 10% of their salary to their party, and 10% had not there before, just as there have now, we have taken your ass again.
Total: MPs do not have not seen anything down that 10% of their salary should not donate more, parties have three times the money first and they all live happily ever after, except my mother to shop must split hairs in two.
Moral: always return the accounts
As you may know someone, our politicians have reduced his salary by 10%, well you say, I say bad, and here's why:
So, until a few months ago are all elected representatives were to pay a part of their salary to their party, about 10% exactly, and this was common to all.
Well, since the revolutionary work of the parliament, the same with a pincer movement, have tripled, tripled the funds say their respective parties, and thus have removed the tedious and annoying rule for the deduction of 10% of their salary to their party, and 10% had not there before, just as there have now, we have taken your ass again.
Total: MPs do not have not seen anything down that 10% of their salary should not donate more, parties have three times the money first and they all live happily ever after, except my mother to shop must split hairs in two.
Moral: always return the accounts
Thursday, October 6, 2005
Werewolf Spells That Really Work
Justices of the Peace Court of Lecce dr. Cosimo Roche, n.3712/04 enrolled in the civil suit, brought by John and De Gaetanis, Associate Vice-President defended Adusbef Mr. Antonio Tanza, issued a sensational ruling filed at the Court 26 September 2005 the number 2978/05, against the European Central Bank and, through it, the local articulation found in Bank of Italy.
sensational result of this ruling, the Bank of Italy, who has embezzled an enormous sum, amounting to EUR 5 billion under the "seigniorage income", should return to the community for an amount equal to 87 € for every citizen resident in Italy on 31 December 2003 babies.
It 's the first time ever in the judicial right of seigniorage, which comes from a justice of the peace of Lecce, Cosmo Roche, who ordered the Bank of Italy to pay 87 € to an Italian citizen, for the misappropriation of a huge sum, equivalent to more than EUR 5 billion from 1996 to 2003, and for entitlement to the Italian State. Seigniorage is an ancient institution resulting from the "sovereign coin money, guaranteed their value over time and that specific guarantees in exchange for feudal (as the office for life by the Governor of the Bank of Italy), held back a part of that ' gold.
Now that the gold reserves even more ensure the currency, so that is gone the words "payable to bearer", was the feudal right of seigniorage that the proceeds of which shall be forfeited by the Bank of Italy, which no longer belongs to the State but to private banks and other parties that raking in part of that revenue.
Citizens then have continued to pay what has become a sort of tax credit institutions, in violation of those statutes of the Bank of Italy that Article 3, paragraph 3 is clear: the bank belongs to the state. "So , was the conclusion of the court diversion of seigniorage income to the detriment to the community is 87 per citizen residing at 31 December 2003 at a price of € 5.023.632.491, which must be repaid.
Another blow a government that continues to behave as a "sovereign", an absolute monarch, clinging to defend tooth and nail the absurd privileges, which all fall under the hammer the judiciary, civil and criminal. On the site
dell'Adusbef facsimile and a writ that every citizen can and must do, against the Bank of Italy, for the restitution of stolen goods.
"The CTU, in his report, explained that the income of the institute, caused by the activity and the use of money put in place by the national community, should see the state as the main beneficiary and not groups of individuals.
CTU II concludes that, for the period covered 1996-2003, the deduction of income loss of seigniorage in the community (the allocation to private entities by the Bank of Italy)
can be determined in light of the above criteria and prospectuses analytical calculation reported in the expert's report, in total, corresponding to a € 87.00 average damage per citizen resident noted the date of 31.12.2003.
The total amount that it is, therefore, concluded claimant for the title in court art. CC 2033 and 2041 is € 87.00. PQM
Justices of the Peace of Lecce, Cosmo Roche, finally saying so orders:
a) granting the application on these grounds, and sentencing the defendant, even on an equitable basis, to pay plaintiff the sum of? 87.00 in compensation for the damage resulting from the subtraction of
seigniorage income, as well as legal interest from the effective application satisfies "
The President
Elio Lannutti
Rome, October 2, 2005
EXPERT OPINION Based on the insights made, the writer believes that it can be said that the ownership of the currency, monetary policy and its proceeds are the sole responsibility of the State and for reflection of the national community.
Consequently, for the 1996/2003 reporting period, deduction of seignorage revenue to the detriment of society (the allocation to private entities by the Bank of Italy) can be determined, according to the criteria set out above and the analytical perspective of calculation above, in total? uro 5,023,632,491, corresponding to a loss detected for the average city resident's date of 31.12.2003? uro 87.
====================== The above is the result reached by the writer CTU, in fulfillment of the assignment conferred. No follow
attachments - Attachment A: Minutes of surveying operations
- Annex B: Statute of the ESCB and the ECB
- Annex C: Decision of the ECB ECB/2000/19 ECB/2001/15 ECB/2001/16 ECB/2004/9
- Annex D: Summary of Budgets 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
the Bank of Italy With
Lecce, May 20, 2005. The CTU
(Dr. Maurizio Mazzeo)
In light of the foregoing analysis, on the determination of monetary income earned by the Bank of Italy for the purpose of calculating the average damage suffered by the national community for its subtraction and allocation to private parties, should make some considerations.
First we must consider that the Bank of Italy is a company and monetary income is the main positive component of income - from which, however, achieve all revenue Institute. This entry, however, can not be assessed separately by extrapolating from the income statement and balance sheet of the Bank, as only through the sum of its positive and negative results in the operating result, which represents the net income generated by currency held by the Bank.
Moreover, as we have seen, the Bank of Italy deploys the operating profit achieved, according to the statute, part of the State Party to the participants and deprived of its share capital. It 'obvious that only this last part, supplemented by provisions and extraordinary profits to the reserves and the provisions of the fruits of the same stocks, it represents a diversion of resources to the state (and for it to the national community), upon whom the only monetary policy and its proceeds.
Therefore, while it is complex, especially since the ownership of monetary policy was transferred to the ECB for the articulated mechanisms of income distribution lords of the NCBs, assess the amount of monetary income subtracted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State, by 'another, even when this would be exactly determined, no account of the negative components of the budget and therefore the costs incurred by the Bank to achieve this income.
A conservative representation of the damage sustained by the community for the removal of monetary income gained must therefore refer only to net profits of budget achieved by the Bank of Italy (adjusted as described above with the provisions and distribution of reserves) and not assigned to the State.
On the other hand, applying this method of calculation, adequate remuneration of the private contributions made by participants at the Bank of Italy, and relating only to the share capital granted (? Uro 156,000), can not alter significantly the value , so determined, the monetary income exclusion from the community.
However, for the purposes of the calculations, the writer has decided to consider as a proper return on capital, the deliberate distribution to the participants for the year, corresponding (in accordance with the regulations) to 10% of the share capital . In this regard
must be observed that the average annual distribution of dividends to bank stocks listed (including the participants in the Bank of Italy) does not exceed 5%, for which the remuneration of 10% of the share capital, established by statute and determined annually, must be considered fair.
addition, the undersigned, in the preparation of the calculations took into account for the reflections of the overall distribution of income of the Bank of Italy, the percentage of share capital (5%) held by the INPS, which as state institutions fully controlled and governed by the state, can not be considered a private participation.
The writer has been able to examine the Report and its annexes published by the Bank of Italy 1997-1998-1999-2000-2001-2002-2003 exercise that you attach to sub D, could also extend the analysis to 1996, because the data are listed in the comparison with last year's Budget 1997 .
The following table shows the calculations were analytically removed from the monetary income to the state, drawn by the writer on the basis of the above criteria, for the period 1996/2003 ...
Table in the "Forms" Hello

Justices of the Peace Court of Lecce dr. Cosimo Roche, n.3712/04 enrolled in the civil suit, brought by John and De Gaetanis, Associate Vice-President defended Adusbef Mr. Antonio Tanza, issued a sensational ruling filed at the Court 26 September 2005 the number 2978/05, against the European Central Bank and, through it, the local articulation found in Bank of Italy.
sensational result of this ruling, the Bank of Italy, who has embezzled an enormous sum, amounting to EUR 5 billion under the "seigniorage income", should return to the community for an amount equal to 87 € for every citizen resident in Italy on 31 December 2003 babies.
It 's the first time ever in the judicial right of seigniorage, which comes from a justice of the peace of Lecce, Cosmo Roche, who ordered the Bank of Italy to pay 87 € to an Italian citizen, for the misappropriation of a huge sum, equivalent to more than EUR 5 billion from 1996 to 2003, and for entitlement to the Italian State. Seigniorage is an ancient institution resulting from the "sovereign coin money, guaranteed their value over time and that specific guarantees in exchange for feudal (as the office for life by the Governor of the Bank of Italy), held back a part of that ' gold.
Now that the gold reserves even more ensure the currency, so that is gone the words "payable to bearer", was the feudal right of seigniorage that the proceeds of which shall be forfeited by the Bank of Italy, which no longer belongs to the State but to private banks and other parties that raking in part of that revenue.
Citizens then have continued to pay what has become a sort of tax credit institutions, in violation of those statutes of the Bank of Italy that Article 3, paragraph 3 is clear: the bank belongs to the state. "So , was the conclusion of the court diversion of seigniorage income to the detriment to the community is 87 per citizen residing at 31 December 2003 at a price of € 5.023.632.491, which must be repaid.
Another blow a government that continues to behave as a "sovereign", an absolute monarch, clinging to defend tooth and nail the absurd privileges, which all fall under the hammer the judiciary, civil and criminal. On the site
dell'Adusbef facsimile and a writ that every citizen can and must do, against the Bank of Italy, for the restitution of stolen goods.
"The CTU, in his report, explained that the income of the institute, caused by the activity and the use of money put in place by the national community, should see the state as the main beneficiary and not groups of individuals.
CTU II concludes that, for the period covered 1996-2003, the deduction of income loss of seigniorage in the community (the allocation to private entities by the Bank of Italy)
can be determined in light of the above criteria and prospectuses analytical calculation reported in the expert's report, in total, corresponding to a € 87.00 average damage per citizen resident noted the date of 31.12.2003.
The total amount that it is, therefore, concluded claimant for the title in court art. CC 2033 and 2041 is € 87.00. PQM
Justices of the Peace of Lecce, Cosmo Roche, finally saying so orders:
a) granting the application on these grounds, and sentencing the defendant, even on an equitable basis, to pay plaintiff the sum of? 87.00 in compensation for the damage resulting from the subtraction of
seigniorage income, as well as legal interest from the effective application satisfies "
The President
Elio Lannutti
Rome, October 2, 2005
EXPERT OPINION Based on the insights made, the writer believes that it can be said that the ownership of the currency, monetary policy and its proceeds are the sole responsibility of the State and for reflection of the national community.
Consequently, for the 1996/2003 reporting period, deduction of seignorage revenue to the detriment of society (the allocation to private entities by the Bank of Italy) can be determined, according to the criteria set out above and the analytical perspective of calculation above, in total? uro 5,023,632,491, corresponding to a loss detected for the average city resident's date of 31.12.2003? uro 87.
====================== The above is the result reached by the writer CTU, in fulfillment of the assignment conferred. No follow
attachments - Attachment A: Minutes of surveying operations
- Annex B: Statute of the ESCB and the ECB
- Annex C: Decision of the ECB ECB/2000/19 ECB/2001/15 ECB/2001/16 ECB/2004/9
- Annex D: Summary of Budgets 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
the Bank of Italy With
Lecce, May 20, 2005. The CTU
(Dr. Maurizio Mazzeo)
In light of the foregoing analysis, on the determination of monetary income earned by the Bank of Italy for the purpose of calculating the average damage suffered by the national community for its subtraction and allocation to private parties, should make some considerations.
First we must consider that the Bank of Italy is a company and monetary income is the main positive component of income - from which, however, achieve all revenue Institute. This entry, however, can not be assessed separately by extrapolating from the income statement and balance sheet of the Bank, as only through the sum of its positive and negative results in the operating result, which represents the net income generated by currency held by the Bank.
Moreover, as we have seen, the Bank of Italy deploys the operating profit achieved, according to the statute, part of the State Party to the participants and deprived of its share capital. It 'obvious that only this last part, supplemented by provisions and extraordinary profits to the reserves and the provisions of the fruits of the same stocks, it represents a diversion of resources to the state (and for it to the national community), upon whom the only monetary policy and its proceeds.
Therefore, while it is complex, especially since the ownership of monetary policy was transferred to the ECB for the articulated mechanisms of income distribution lords of the NCBs, assess the amount of monetary income subtracted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State, by 'another, even when this would be exactly determined, no account of the negative components of the budget and therefore the costs incurred by the Bank to achieve this income.
A conservative representation of the damage sustained by the community for the removal of monetary income gained must therefore refer only to net profits of budget achieved by the Bank of Italy (adjusted as described above with the provisions and distribution of reserves) and not assigned to the State.
On the other hand, applying this method of calculation, adequate remuneration of the private contributions made by participants at the Bank of Italy, and relating only to the share capital granted (? Uro 156,000), can not alter significantly the value , so determined, the monetary income exclusion from the community.
However, for the purposes of the calculations, the writer has decided to consider as a proper return on capital, the deliberate distribution to the participants for the year, corresponding (in accordance with the regulations) to 10% of the share capital . In this regard
must be observed that the average annual distribution of dividends to bank stocks listed (including the participants in the Bank of Italy) does not exceed 5%, for which the remuneration of 10% of the share capital, established by statute and determined annually, must be considered fair.
addition, the undersigned, in the preparation of the calculations took into account for the reflections of the overall distribution of income of the Bank of Italy, the percentage of share capital (5%) held by the INPS, which as state institutions fully controlled and governed by the state, can not be considered a private participation.
The writer has been able to examine the Report and its annexes published by the Bank of Italy 1997-1998-1999-2000-2001-2002-2003 exercise that you attach to sub D, could also extend the analysis to 1996, because the data are listed in the comparison with last year's Budget 1997 .
The following table shows the calculations were analytically removed from the monetary income to the state, drawn by the writer on the basis of the above criteria, for the period 1996/2003 ...
Table in the "Forms" Hello
Button Generatorcolor Dark Blue
Silvio Berlusconi has said officially and publicly that if you were going to vote with this electoral system does not reach 20%, but with the new system would introduce arriverrebbero to 30%.
So all the shit that you have told to this day, in newspapers, on television, that the change would be to change the electoral law and civil right for all Italians, is a sensational dancing, but also knows that my father is Berlusconi was an iron up to a year ago. SAVE THE PRIOR
ROME - If the former came into force Cirielli, 50% of the cases pending in the Supreme Court barred. At the 3365 actions taken into consideration, the proceedings in the Supreme Court may, if the requirement came into force the law ex-Cirielli, renamed by the opposition Law "Previti-saving" would vary between 1,414 and 1652. It 's the result of the technical assessment carried out in Piazza Cavour and forwarded to the Minister of Justice. "I reserve the right to verify them," said Justice Minister Roberto Castelli. "I have not seen the report - said the minister - though I think it is important to provide consistent data, otherwise it is hard to understand."
According to the Supreme Court, the entry into force of the law "Previti-saving" would be to require many processes especially those related to crimes of corruption that may be extinct in 88, 8% of cases. In specifying the study shows that for manslaughter in the Supreme Court pending the requirement age for 57% of cases reported to prison not less than 6 years and 36.8% reported pain in more than 6 years. Eleven out of 15 cases required a "serious fraud to receive public funds." The pending cases would be required to wear in 64% of cases, 26% of "fraudulent bankruptcy", while 23% of the "peculiar". Finally, for "abuse in the family, hang 76 appeals: the requirement to mature for 51 (67.1% with penalties of not less than 6 years) or for 27 (35.5% for sentences of more than 6 years).
The analysis considers only the main crime committed by excluding from the count in competition with the first but less serious than it: so the data are understated.

Silvio Berlusconi has said officially and publicly that if you were going to vote with this electoral system does not reach 20%, but with the new system would introduce arriverrebbero to 30%.
So all the shit that you have told to this day, in newspapers, on television, that the change would be to change the electoral law and civil right for all Italians, is a sensational dancing, but also knows that my father is Berlusconi was an iron up to a year ago. SAVE THE PRIOR
ROME - If the former came into force Cirielli, 50% of the cases pending in the Supreme Court barred. At the 3365 actions taken into consideration, the proceedings in the Supreme Court may, if the requirement came into force the law ex-Cirielli, renamed by the opposition Law "Previti-saving" would vary between 1,414 and 1652. It 's the result of the technical assessment carried out in Piazza Cavour and forwarded to the Minister of Justice. "I reserve the right to verify them," said Justice Minister Roberto Castelli. "I have not seen the report - said the minister - though I think it is important to provide consistent data, otherwise it is hard to understand."
According to the Supreme Court, the entry into force of the law "Previti-saving" would be to require many processes especially those related to crimes of corruption that may be extinct in 88, 8% of cases. In specifying the study shows that for manslaughter in the Supreme Court pending the requirement age for 57% of cases reported to prison not less than 6 years and 36.8% reported pain in more than 6 years. Eleven out of 15 cases required a "serious fraud to receive public funds." The pending cases would be required to wear in 64% of cases, 26% of "fraudulent bankruptcy", while 23% of the "peculiar". Finally, for "abuse in the family, hang 76 appeals: the requirement to mature for 51 (67.1% with penalties of not less than 6 years) or for 27 (35.5% for sentences of more than 6 years).
The analysis considers only the main crime committed by excluding from the count in competition with the first but less serious than it: so the data are understated.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
What Color Pants Does A Green Shirt To With
Revolution in Corsica, and the Italians
Until a week ago, Uncle Silvio my father in law, said that in Italy was all right, that there was so insulted this economic crisis, and that Italians were always to be pessimistic, eternal malcontents Criticón, pain in the ass.
Today tells us that for financial 2006, the Italians will have to make sacrifices because there is no money.
Corsica is a beautiful island, the courses are exceptional people, but like all the islanders are erpsone blunt and tough, I've more than once to go and spend my holidays in Corsica.
Today (prorpio but I spoke a couple of days ago on the radio, the courses are making a minor revolution of which practically no one speaks, or rather the news that they are minimized, so that even an attack with missiles against air Ajaccio prefecture is passed virtually unnoticed, as well as " In the afternoon, about thirty militant nationalists and unionists have raided the headquarters of ' Assembly of Corsica, where he discussed a motion to the abandonment of the proceedings against the sailors who hijacked a ferry, the 'Pascal Paoli', to protest the planned privatization of the Societe Nationale Corse-Mediterranee . "
as well as a bit of shootings and bombings across the island did not mention it.

Until a week ago, Uncle Silvio my father in law, said that in Italy was all right, that there was so insulted this economic crisis, and that Italians were always to be pessimistic, eternal malcontents Criticón, pain in the ass.
Today tells us that for financial 2006, the Italians will have to make sacrifices because there is no money.
Corsica is a beautiful island, the courses are exceptional people, but like all the islanders are erpsone blunt and tough, I've more than once to go and spend my holidays in Corsica.
Today (prorpio but I spoke a couple of days ago on the radio, the courses are making a minor revolution of which practically no one speaks, or rather the news that they are minimized, so that even an attack with missiles against air Ajaccio prefecture is passed virtually unnoticed, as well as " In the afternoon, about thirty militant nationalists and unionists have raided the headquarters of ' Assembly of Corsica, where he discussed a motion to the abandonment of the proceedings against the sailors who hijacked a ferry, the 'Pascal Paoli', to protest the planned privatization of the Societe Nationale Corse-Mediterranee . "
as well as a bit of shootings and bombings across the island did not mention it.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Most Effective Hairspray
cocks bitter ... and Beppe Grillo and counter
this post taken from the site of Beppe, many of you have turned
an article in the Corriere della Sera who claimed that Beppe would stop a guy who had copied the DVD of his show.
course is not true, of course it's just some shit shot foolish servant
groped for (vain hope) to rubbish the comic in question.
prince faster
I, Beppe Grillo, I'm sick of having to justify their pockets.
Today I will tell you things about me, about my private life, on some allegations.
I do today and that's it.
I had a car accident in 1980, I was driving, I was saved by a miracle, but killed three people who were with me and I was convicted of murder culpable than one year and three months. I
for election to Parliament.
do not have a Ferrari, I got it, now I have a Toyota hybrid.
I do not have the boat, I had it, but I sold it.
I have two homes, one in Genoa and one in Tuscany.
I have not reported any boy, do not even know who he is, my attorney has filed a complaint with the prosecutor of Alexandria to protect my legitimate interests, for sales of my shows on Ebay made by many people. And this only after repeatedly and formally requested eBay to not allow the illegal sales.
Enclosed is the bill of the Republic for the insertion of Fazio go that I received today. I want to dedicate
together with those who believe in positive action, not to refute the Corriere della Sera, which makes the analysis of the text of the blog (sic) by alleging errors like cellophane with an L alone, but that did not report a single word on the page go Fazio published the Republic.
I will not correct, sue. I have not the time nor the desire.
Who wants to believe it does. If you follow me I will continue to work against this information, so as not to leave the field of information and their Judas thirty pieces of silver.
this post taken from the site of Beppe, many of you have turned
an article in the Corriere della Sera who claimed that Beppe would stop a guy who had copied the DVD of his show.
course is not true, of course it's just some shit shot foolish servant
groped for (vain hope) to rubbish the comic in question.
prince faster
I, Beppe Grillo, I'm sick of having to justify their pockets.
Today I will tell you things about me, about my private life, on some allegations.
I do today and that's it.
I had a car accident in 1980, I was driving, I was saved by a miracle, but killed three people who were with me and I was convicted of murder culpable than one year and three months. I
for election to Parliament.
do not have a Ferrari, I got it, now I have a Toyota hybrid.
I do not have the boat, I had it, but I sold it.
I have two homes, one in Genoa and one in Tuscany.
I have not reported any boy, do not even know who he is, my attorney has filed a complaint with the prosecutor of Alexandria to protect my legitimate interests, for sales of my shows on Ebay made by many people. And this only after repeatedly and formally requested eBay to not allow the illegal sales.
Enclosed is the bill of the Republic for the insertion of Fazio go that I received today. I want to dedicate
together with those who believe in positive action, not to refute the Corriere della Sera, which makes the analysis of the text of the blog (sic) by alleging errors like cellophane with an L alone, but that did not report a single word on the page go Fazio published the Republic.
I will not correct, sue. I have not the time nor the desire.
Who wants to believe it does. If you follow me I will continue to work against this information, so as not to leave the field of information and their Judas thirty pieces of silver.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Position Of Cervix Right After Period
search and find
came to power in 1922, Benito Mussolini immediately showed a willingness to change the electoral system and therefore hold new elections to form a chamber substantially favorable (in the elections of 1921 were only 35 deputies were elected fascists). The electoral law of 18 November 1923, n. 2444, better known as Law Acerbo (named for the Secretary to the Prime Acerbo James, who was the author material), responded to this fundamental requirement. It introduced a system requiring the introduction in the State of the College by giving only two thirds of the seats in the national to the list that had reported a relative majority, while the other third would be apportioned among the other minority shareholders on a regional basis and Apportioning. The law after a debate that saw the opposition was divided passed by the House July 21, 1923 with 223 votes in favor and 123 against.
search and find
came to power in 1922, Benito Mussolini immediately showed a willingness to change the electoral system and therefore hold new elections to form a chamber substantially favorable (in the elections of 1921 were only 35 deputies were elected fascists). The electoral law of 18 November 1923, n. 2444, better known as Law Acerbo (named for the Secretary to the Prime Acerbo James, who was the author material), responded to this fundamental requirement. It introduced a system requiring the introduction in the State of the College by giving only two thirds of the seats in the national to the list that had reported a relative majority, while the other third would be apportioned among the other minority shareholders on a regional basis and Apportioning. The law after a debate that saw the opposition was divided passed by the House July 21, 1923 with 223 votes in favor and 123 against.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
What To Use To Make A Homemade Sled
Italy buffarola and "balloon "New Orleans
I was reading that the price of textbooks has increased as every year, families must pay in order to make "funny" as it was many years ago in Rome, still some say. The average Italian
no longer having any money to do all rate, the rate is also going on vacation, then make the installments for Christmas gifts, and then for the holidays next year, at the end that there are thousands of buffaroli complained that he was not charged.
But in the meantime who cares what he said, makes them funny state, not I can make them funny ?!?!?!?
In sport you can not change the rules during a race, especially if those changes is the one that is losing game three to zero, although in reality the enemy is so blowjob that does not even know why he is winning.
kiss the beautiful puppets

I was reading that the price of textbooks has increased as every year, families must pay in order to make "funny" as it was many years ago in Rome, still some say. The average Italian
no longer having any money to do all rate, the rate is also going on vacation, then make the installments for Christmas gifts, and then for the holidays next year, at the end that there are thousands of buffaroli complained that he was not charged.
But in the meantime who cares what he said, makes them funny state, not I can make them funny ?!?!?!?
In sport you can not change the rules during a race, especially if those changes is the one that is losing game three to zero, although in reality the enemy is so blowjob that does not even know why he is winning.
kiss the beautiful puppets
Monday, September 12, 2005
Paper Towel Absorbency Titles For Science Fair
Why the tragedy of New Orleans has had such hype? wonder why there is grinding of the whole world?
In the South every day natural disaster of this magnitude are repeated with every "daily," nobody knows nothing, the dead are the same human beings who have died in Louisiana. But nobody wants to know anything.
No one wants to cry dead nobody cares.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Bud Light Bowling Balls

Saturday evening left the restaurant around 23:30, I get on the road from the pyramid to the Circus Maximus, I had not ever done!
some head f ** k or the City of Rome has seen fit to do a little guess !??!? a foot race!! you read correctly, a marathon, a marathon of the f ** k or evening on Saturday.
Then, imagine a Saturday evening in September, 23.30 Testaccio area, the panic, to do the marathon fighters have practically divided the city in two, not just once you arrive at the Circo Massimo (after two hours in a row) will did return back.
In other words, did you go around the death, because all the machines that came back wedging (after another hour of row) all back to the narrowing of the coliseum (restricted to work), creating a monstrous, gigantic traffic jam that blocked for hours throughout the area and all the thousands of people who thought of spending a night in joy, while they only spent one night in a row.
but it did not end there, managed to reach the c. Colombo, another panic! is because the marathon went well there, then imagine the line of those who were coming from outside Rome in the city.
In practice had been cut in half the city, and no way out.
Morality to go home (so I could now do just that) I had to take the ring road.
at two five minutes I was home, I put the headphones and I saw for the umpteenth time, the live DVD of Led Zeppelin.
prince fuck faster
Thursday, September 8, 2005
How To Connect Emerson Digital Binoculars
A friend of mine sent me this fantastic link.
esendo I wanted to make you a fan of chocolate involved
see how wonderful this is the cake that I told you once, made of seven types of
different chocolate.
however this is that the Palermo said to be the most
good bakery in palermo and I say about my experience which is the pastry that makes me
most delicious cannoli I've ever eaten!
the cash that I brought about a nno ago I took here.

A friend of mine sent me this fantastic link.
esendo I wanted to make you a fan of chocolate involved
see how wonderful this is the cake that I told you once, made of seven types of
different chocolate.
however this is that the Palermo said to be the most
good bakery in palermo and I say about my experience which is the pastry that makes me
most delicious cannoli I've ever eaten!
the cash that I brought about a nno ago I took here.
Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Signs To Look For After Baby Falls
the first Sauto I want to do this is for all blogghetto chattarella beautiful.
The other night I went to see the movie The Island, extreme allegory on the cloning, the film is the classic breaks and fired, hand-held camera shots, speed, and all cucuzzaro of classic American films, two hours past without infamy and without praise, I ate seven pounds of popcorn.
altre cose:
qualche giorno fa Kofi Annan,premio nobel per la pace, nonchè segretario generale delle nazioni unite, nonchè maggiore responsabile dell'invasione in Irak, nonchè uomo di cartapesta al servizio di Zio George, pochi giorni dopo il disastro di New Orleans dichiara che i grandi della terra devono provvedere affinchè disastri ambientali naturali come quello di N.O. non accadano più, e che i capi di stato del mondo dovranno provvedere a tutelare il clima e la natura.
Peccato che a Kofi bello nessuno ha detto che uno dei pochi paesi al mondo a non aver firmato il trattato di Kyoto contro le emissioni di gas serra è stato proprio il governo americano.
disco consigliato:
Adrian Belew, side one and side two.
masterpiece full of feeling, staring at times, aggressive, and powerful others, guests of Danny Care Tool and Les (bass crazy) Claypoolc of Primus.
discs are actually two mini-albums to little more than thirty minutes each, but worth at least listening to them, then maybe buy.

the first Sauto I want to do this is for all blogghetto chattarella beautiful.
The other night I went to see the movie The Island, extreme allegory on the cloning, the film is the classic breaks and fired, hand-held camera shots, speed, and all cucuzzaro of classic American films, two hours past without infamy and without praise, I ate seven pounds of popcorn.
altre cose:
qualche giorno fa Kofi Annan,premio nobel per la pace, nonchè segretario generale delle nazioni unite, nonchè maggiore responsabile dell'invasione in Irak, nonchè uomo di cartapesta al servizio di Zio George, pochi giorni dopo il disastro di New Orleans dichiara che i grandi della terra devono provvedere affinchè disastri ambientali naturali come quello di N.O. non accadano più, e che i capi di stato del mondo dovranno provvedere a tutelare il clima e la natura.
Peccato che a Kofi bello nessuno ha detto che uno dei pochi paesi al mondo a non aver firmato il trattato di Kyoto contro le emissioni di gas serra è stato proprio il governo americano.
disco consigliato:
Adrian Belew, side one and side two.
masterpiece full of feeling, staring at times, aggressive, and powerful others, guests of Danny Care Tool and Les (bass crazy) Claypoolc of Primus.
discs are actually two mini-albums to little more than thirty minutes each, but worth at least listening to them, then maybe buy.
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Blood Blister On Dog's Leg
The pobero Bernardo
Bernard was a hard joke, he actually has no music has ever figured out a club, well one day become a journalist, but it was so useless that everyone called him bernadro the footmen, was in fact a banderuoletta. It turns
and go, and sucks and licks, a day arrived to make the local amateur radio but with little results.
Despite the attempt to disguise his innate Roman that he so hated, looked directly at each Ninetto Davoli.
and licks, and runs and tries, at the end of amateur music elite, these discs in the series I only know them, I know more cool er, I know er mejo der Bigonzo heels, found himself catapulted to make the amateur radio and forward Marco (dormitory) Masini ....
the moral is:
forced to lick you dry out the tongue!

Bernard was a hard joke, he actually has no music has ever figured out a club, well one day become a journalist, but it was so useless that everyone called him bernadro the footmen, was in fact a banderuoletta. It turns
and go, and sucks and licks, a day arrived to make the local amateur radio but with little results.
Despite the attempt to disguise his innate Roman that he so hated, looked directly at each Ninetto Davoli.
and licks, and runs and tries, at the end of amateur music elite, these discs in the series I only know them, I know more cool er, I know er mejo der Bigonzo heels, found himself catapulted to make the amateur radio and forward Marco (dormitory) Masini ....
the moral is:
forced to lick you dry out the tongue!
Monday, August 29, 2005
Is Lice Or Dandruff Worse
wiretap made on 08/27/2005 at 16:43
- Hello I'm ...
- Hello .... Because there ... or call! We did not agree to feel that way!
- Okay ... how for that crazy Maurizio (Scelli, ed) (Laughs)
- Exactly ... that there ... or are you laughing?
- the usual story of the shit stirred?
- You know very well what is going on and the stirring is the brothel! And now we will add you too?
- But if it is written all over the papers, and then where would the mystery?
- Meanwhile, the denials are beginning and then people do not make the connections, and therefore does not understand and then forget the shit and while it solidifies again
- But of what links you mention?
- Come on B believe that if they went to visit Mauritius from only combatants curarseli opponents and then ...? That c ... ... it!
- Of course as in all wars! (Laughs)
- Do not say that word if no more put down
- But if you have called them fighters, I can not talk about war?
- So you know well: for the Americans is a war, because it is, but for Italy, even though we are there, not a war, I repeat, not a war!
- What if an exchange is not a war would be legitimate right? As for the abduction of terror ... or not!
- but never mind! I only want to say that if nobody understands lapping the shit that shoot up one of our cars (of the services, ed) was a simple revenge for having hidden and kept their enemies in exchange for the release of-the-omission of Sgrena!
- Oh you mean that they did it on purpose?
- But where c.. Or alive? They were pissed off like animals, we were considered traitors ... I do not know how things go in war?
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