Thursday, September 25, 2008

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Sports Association Parachuting Belluno
takes flight "SkySpark" the plane 100% ecological
electric motor on hydrogen. The presentation in Turin

ROME A plane 100% ecological, with an engine with fuel cells powered by hydrogen. It will be called "SkySpark" DigiSky of the new aircraft, made in collaboration with the Department of Aeronautical and Space Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino (DIASP), that tomorrow the Environment Park of Turin will be presented to the public and the press. The project is totally unique eco-friendly thanks to innovative technologies related to hydrogen-powered electric motor used to power fuel cells, providing an environmental impact near the zero.Compatto and ultra light, SkySpark, will weigh maximum of 600 pounds with a range of two hours without refueling. This will allow the airplane to travel 500 km at a speed close to 300 km / h.La DigiSky the challenge is to meet with the SkySpark is to beat the world record for speed and durability for an electric plane used to transport people, using only hydrogen as fuel. From an article that reminds me of the movie "The Shameless"
Flight with the wingsuit and aerodynamic principles

written by Bruno Madama
Article by Robert Pecnik
A wingsuit flying, or simply generates a resistance which reduces the vertical velocity? Well, actually fly a wingsuit, since there is a strong surface high enough to get such a low speed vertical and a horizontal flight path as well. The only force available to push the wingsuit is gravity. What the wingsuit trying to do is use the drop speed generated by gravity and convert as much as possible in-flight orizzontale.Lo same principle applies to gliders, hang gliders and even the sails of the paratroopers that everybody knows. The wingsuit flying because it is an airfoil, just like the wing of an airplane, a sailboat or the shuttle launch (at the time of the shape and flight characteristics of the suit is more comparable to the Shuttle than any other flying object).
The suit, like any airfoil generates lift and drag. The better the relationship between lift and drag, the better off. Given a particular aerodynamic shape, this relationship between lift and drag varies with speed. There is a speed for which this report is the best, and this speed is typically 30 to 40% higher than the stall speed (ask any glider pilot which is the minimum speed and what is the best glide speed, the 90% of the time the answer will be 55-65 mph minimum speed and 80-90 km / h Best glide). Flying to the best gliding speed it travels a distance greater to the extent available.
flying at a speed higher or lower traveling a shorter distance. Any flying object has its minimum speed which can generate enough lift to fly. Below this speed, you lose lift and stall. (Think to launch gliders, they also stall and lose lift .. In this case the horizontal speed is zero or nearly so, while the vertical velocity approximately doubled). The same goes for a wingsuit, you need speed to fly. Question, what is the best glide speed for the best in a suit? It 's a very complex issue because the suit is not a rigid profile. Each pilot flies in a different way of behavior, using arms and legs in a different way and each has a different body position. This means that each driver has a different airfoil. Add the difference in weight and size and different lengths of arms and legs and the whole issue becomes even more complex.
This is why it is so difficult to measure the minimum speed for a wingsuit. But there is one rule for each object that flies. The relationship between wing area and weight is known as wing loading. Most of the paratroopers are familiar with that term in reference to their sails. The higher the wing loading, the faster sail, but will also have greater stall speed. Today, the sails are used with wing loadings between 0.5 and 1.3 pounds per square foot. Hang gliders have a wing loading of about 1.2 / 1.5 and the speed and minimum around 35 km / h. A Cessna plane usually has a wing loading of 20 and its lowest speed is about 80-90 km / h. The shuttle, with its small wingspan, and wing loading are very high, lands in more than 350 km / h.
For a person of average size, the suit has an area of \u200b\u200babout 15-16 square feet, and weighs about 170-190 pounds. This leads to a wing loading of 10.5 to 12.5. Ten times higher than that of a sailboat launch. Math calculations tell us that for a wing loading 10 times, the minimum speed will be roughly three times higher. This is consistent with measurements made on flight with wing suits, where the best plan of which was reached at a speed of 130 km / h. At that speed the rate of vertical was 40-50 km / h, resulting in efficiency between 2 and 2.5. It can fly at speeds lower than vertical, but it also means less speed ina horizontal plane and therefore worse.
Regarding attempts to land with the suit, we would need a top wing surface to generate more lift and thus reduce the minimum speed. But the human body has its own form, which is not designed to flight, and we need a few million years of evolution to change it to a more appropriate form. This means that the potential to generate more lift of the suits is limited by poor form and strength of the human body. The only option for better lift is some kind of rigid wing, but this already exists, are called airplanes.
So if you are still thinking to land a wingsuit, you do a normal jump, but after the opening try to put in a horizontal position (you can do by hooking the straps to the back foot) and try to land with a small elliptical canopy in that position. After this painful experience, the pain multiplied by 9 (3 times the speed = 9 times the force of impact = 9 times the consequences), and decide if you still want to try.
original article by Robert Pecnik -
Italian translation by Bruno Madama


Lisa Blandino past three days has close knowledge of the aerobatic Cap SAIA Andrea - TARGET - 313 Squadron of the AA 07/10/2008
http:// /
Dedalonews September 25, 2008 - 9:30 am by: M. Landi News

Tomorrow students winners of a flight class, sponsored by the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci "in Milan will be the guests of the Tricolour Arrows. These are young people from different high schools in the province of Milan, who will visit the air base of revolt. The boys with their teachers and the museum director, Fiorenzo Galli, will be welcomed by the commander of the Second Squadron of Looking, Col. Alfonso Delle Nogare. During the day the students also attend a flight training aspects of Tricolour Arrows, coordinated by the ground commander of the PAN, the largest Massimo Tammaro.

Friday, September 19, 2008

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Max Biaggi, Troy Bayliss, Carlos Checa, Troy Corser, Max Neukirchner and Regis Laconi were guests of the Center for Gliding Guidonia during the presentation of the race in Vallelunga, third last stage of the championship 2008.Tenente Stefano Testa -

Looking at the world upside down, a few cm from the asphalt, riding a racing car on two wheels and two hundred horses at every turn keep you in suspense, or do a few thousand feet high, hovering silently in the clouds on an incredible aliante.Emozioni , but also to try to tell. "Sailing into the air in total silence is a wonderful feeling. It is not easy to describe how it feels when the horizon begins to turn right before your eyes. " These are the words in disbelief, but also full of enthusiasm, Max Biaggi, after his first flight in a glider. And think like him the other five 'top riders' world championship motorcycling Superbike Thursday, September 18 they were guests of the Center for Glider Air Force to officially present the Vallelunga race on Sunday 21 September, the third' last scheduled for the championship 2008.Troy Bayliss, Carlos Checa, Troy Corser, Max Neukirchner, Regis Laconi. For them, as for the glider pilots, defying the wind is a game, but it is also a profession. This time, however, the "wake" the right not to be missed to arrive before the other was not that of the motion of opponents, but the air currents above the sky Guidonia, where the five samples were able to experience the thrill of circling gliders Air Militare.Un union, that between Superbike Arma Azzurra, which has been renewed this year after the experience of 2007, when the other Italian leg of the championship - the race at Misano - was presented at the 5th Wing hunting deer. "The Center Glider is a window that opens to the young Air Force, through the many courses in aeronautical culture held throughout the year across the country. For this we are particularly proud to have been between us these great champions, capable of attracting millions of fans around sports, "said Captain Vincent Costagliela, commander of the Central Gliding." The sky keeps turning, turning, did not seem to stop. Fantastic. " Troy Bayliss has seen it like this, her first time on a glider. Sunday, racetrack 'Piero Taruffi' di Vallelunga, in his Ducati, Troy could close the accounts in advance and win the third world title after those of 2001 and 2006.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sentimental Bon Voyage Poem

the Toy Library of the CNR

the Toy Library of the CNR interactive experiments for large and small

Pendulums coupled chaotic pendulum and the mechanical paradox, the top and flying saucers, the duck drinker, and then catch the Virgo gravitational waves. These are some of the names of the experiments proposed by the EXPERIENCE of Pisa, founded by Nadia Ioli, researcher at the Institute for chemical and physical processes of the National Research Council, who confesses she was inspired by the words of Galileo Galilei, 'It's nonsense philosophy seek to show us the truth of a better effect that experience and our eyes'. The Game Room, one of the few Italian-based interactive disclosure, aims to approach to science to young people, enabling them to 'touch' the physical phenomena that populate our lives and have complicated names, such as gyroscope, paraboloids, Lorentz force or gravitational waves. "The EXPERIENCE is not only a place for children," said Ioli. "We chose this name to highlight the playful aspect which is the basis of scientific experience we offer. The structure is open to students, but also for adults, university students and teachers because of the difficulty of the experience is tailored to the knowledge that the 'investigator' has. All thanks to a group of competent leaders, made up of students and young researchers of the CNR, the University of Pisa and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, and with funding provided by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pisa. "Only this 'year, the Toy Library has recorded 12,000 visitors from Italy and abroad, particularly at university faculties of medicine, mathematics and biology. "The proposed experiments," says researcher IPCF-CNR, "are extremely stringent, although fun and simple, and are designed to stimulate the spirit of observation, imagination and the desire to understand, to find answers." The visit lasts about an hour and a half. "Adults often as they confess their time at school, could not suffer the matters dealt with in the Playroom playfully," said Ioli. "The children, however, especially the most lively, attention show that leaves you amazed their teachers, who must work hard in class to make them share the lesson." In 2009, the year dedicated to Galileo Galilei, the site has EXPERIENCE great innovations, including the inauguration six thematic tours about the history of science from Galileo to the big day. (Annex ) The Toy Library is organizing visits to schools of any level of education. The staff is also available to participate in events, exhibitions and museums, with their interactive stand.
Luciana Riva Source: Nadia Ioli, Institute for chemical and physical processes of the CNR, Pisa, tel. 050/2214525, e-mail: Read more: Open from April 20 to May 24, 2009 in Pisa Via Nicola Pisano 25. Reservations (schools and small groups) tel. 050/3153776, Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 16.00 ;

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Can I Waer Suspensers With Jeans

Aero Club of Italy Newsletter No. 1 April 1988 a "history of aviation" Parachute Association

Aero Club of Italy Newsletter No. 1 April 1, 1988

"history of aviation" Why did the plane
A series of curious illustrations designed by Jean Marc Coté in 1899 and published now, with commentary by Isaac Asimov "Nostalgia for the Future", ed. Rizzoli, 1988) shows the people who go to the Opera with the rate plane, a subway, which regulates the traffic of aircraft on sky of a city (stopping in the air!) while there are no cars or cars to horses running in the streets.
Apart from the freak of these pictures, the concept of the conquest of the air circulation as a means of transport wheel with two, three, four seats, as was the horse carriage now and then as the car was very popular in that era: the Brazilian pioneer Alberto Santos Dumont, after using a blimp to visit his friends in their villa on the outskirts of Paris designed P built a small airplane, which he called the Demoiselle, which he used for its suburban travel. We observe in passing that there were no high-voltage lines make it so dangerous to low flying today. The airplane
dream property for individual use long-lived, at the time of Balbo A plan to give all the officers of the Royal Air Force pilots an airplane owned on favorable terms, as well as the Officers of Arms were mounted right to one or more "forage rations for their horses. Facilitation, which rested on the assumption, for more just, that all time spent in the saddle, even for sporting activities, was useful training officer. And the argument could then be extended to the airplane and today, although the principle remains that each hour of driving on any type of aircraft, is always valuable experience for the pilot, the specialization required to operate with modern combat aircraft is such that nothing can replace the specific training.
But back to the dreams of our grandparents, all firms that were epic about the aircraft were performed by a maximum of two people on small aircraft from crossing the Channel by Blériot in 1909 at New York-Paris flight of Lindbergh in 1927. The flight made by Balbo with large formations of seaplanes in the aftermath struck the imagination of the masses especially the number of aircraft operated, not for the size of each hydroplane. She was born in that period even commercial aviation, but in Europe it was a very small minority of people who were being served by air in preference to the train. In America
aviation collective was more successful, but in that vast continent was also born the very first plane for all, in 1931, called Taylor Cub, the name of the factory Taylor Aireraft Tavlor Gilbert Company was its president and William T. Piper secretary and treasurer in 1936, Piper took over the factory. The Piper Cub J3
, which appeared in 1938, was the first non-military aircraft produced in large quantities, Piper wanted to become "the Ford of the airplane."
In 1950, when it ceased production of the Cub, it had been produced 23,512 copies of each, not a figure comparable to the production car, but it is always a good number.
The Piper Cub is a small masterpiece (many still fly it), simple, light, gentle, stable and "honest."
Who would sit at the controls for the first time was surprised to find that flying is so easy, easier than driving a car. There is no clutch or gearbox, the streets of heaven have bollards or ditches. In a few lessons could be learned to take off, climb, turn, fall and even land, you also learned to avoid the deadlock, a danger that the media is not earth.
In America, the small private plane experienced a widespread, and the same happened in Australia, New Zealand and in parts of Africa land from large spa-zi, poorly populated, poorly served by the train.
Unlike the case of Europe, the spaces are small, densely populated, cut them from the border-nee. In particular, the complex orographic situation in Italy, the rugged coastline, the intensive cultivation and the extremely variable weather conditions make flying difficult and dangerous to view on many days of the year.
Yeah, but today with the possibilities of the instrument flight ... But here we change the mind-net address for the pilot and the plane-no, the pilot must have the qualification to instrument flight, and as we are the country where the degrees are easy "all doctors", which is also a donut- realmen know how to do-you, must be trained, re-used to fly only by reference to instruments. You need not be a genius to fly IFR, but to do it safely you have to do often, otherwise it may include errors or oversights that make you pay caris-sime, when there is a layer of clouds to be drilled should know very well where you are, you have no idea how many mountains you can find in the clouds. The e-roplano must be well orchestrated, mu-nite transponder and efficient anti-icing system, and multi-engine, an emergency engine which understood the above obligations or in the clouds and going down now has very little chance of be-completed it.
The private airplane has found its strategic and from a good spread in the form of twin-engine, turbine generally, instruments such as an airliner and usually entrusted to professional pilots. The small airplane to use as a car but did not take hold: if the start of the pioneers in Article providing for development and not dreamed of mass air travel at Mach 0, 9 today and Mach 2 -3 Tomorrow could not imagine the pro-progress of electronics engineering, aerodynamics and structures that underlie modern aircraft line-no. And maybe they thought that to fly in bad weather and poor visibility enough courage that they had in abundance.
commercial aviation has been brought up by governments with subsidies and concessions until they could stand on its own legs. The private aviation did not have these benefits, the planes belonging to companies like Fiat, ENI, etc.. could affect the financial statements of companies themselves and their ac-purchase costs and operating costs are part of the deductible expenses from income. The private plane real-mind instead is burdened with heavy taxes and various fees, door immediately to the owner under the lens of the tax and is taxed more than four times the value of a yacht.
But maybe the reasons are not all listed here and we help our readers give us their views we will be happy to discuss it.

Alberto Mondini