ethical. Like any self-respecting head that we could not propose to exempt ourselves from a reading list for summer ethical, useful, even though they are relatively cheap. Here it is:
at number 1) no doubt:
's no other way. From growth to benvivere, a program for an economy of satiety
Francesco Gesualdi, ed. Altreconomia - 3 p. € 74.
Simplicity, sustainability and well-being: an agile and clear essay. A reflection on the necessity of a collective "other economy" taking into account the resources and the balance of the limits of the planet, however, permits, and covers health and rights, dignity and future for all.
Where we are (and why) to go, how to get there. Three chapters of the book that allow us to understand how this path, this other way is feasible. Following questioning, and this other way, you do not become martyrs, one becomes free. The strength of the book that we're suggesting is this. It 's another way that is based on the reality of sobriety, but not deprivation, because it is equipped with the policies needed to go. Because this is the true purpose and true agility. Where to go, how, by whom, for what, against whom and against what. In a very secular and credible. Open to many. For a strength and a journey not a niche, not identity, open (...) in the direction of a higher form of democracy, in the direction of another way that we can become. Of each. Following the
2) The
anticasta. Italy that works
Michele Dotti, Marco Boschini, ed. EMI - 15 p. € 288.
coherence, concreteness, involvement. A book of record, a dictionary simple, clear concrete for all those who have not surrendered to the remoteness of the institutional political life of citizens. For those who know they exist but never met, administrative capacity, consistent political post election campaigns, which in small steps, to generate user-friendly light bulbs do it, with the participation of its citizens, as pathways to a future, a present best done sober and improvement of daily living, energy conservation and waste reduction, promotion of public water and sharing of choices. Proven experience, materialize, that zero, silenced those who think that you can not do anything. That there is no money to do.
The beauty of this book is not only giving hope to those who have not yet surrendered, but also provides tools and incentives. Newspapers and practice even in our local government. Just want to do. Then the
Italian banksters. Splendours and miseries of investment bankers of our house
Laura Serafini, ed. Fazi Editore - 15 p. € 229.
detector, disturbing, greedy. History 5 of Italian merchant bankers at the top of the sponsoring banks, players, plug the current financial crisis and imminent. It is worthwhile to have the time, the look, the tenderness of the step to stop the talk that develop on each page. Men in the shadows, the spotlight of ostentation that moved pieces, routed paths, removed from collective wealth. The framers of privatization, hands and shoes of liberalism, in most cases wild. The financial economy that leaves too many corpses on the road but even more money in their pockets. Their. Aware gears. Investment banks live or best investment plots crammed with consultants, provided the or politics.
and 4) a small modern classic, written by a mathematician known popularizer:
Savings betrayed the guide "How to save your money"
Beppe Scienza, ed. Library Cortina Torino - 16.5 € 246 p..
illuminating, clear, tutelante. It 's a book, you can trust. And 'the updated edition of a successful release in 2001. Has been neither reviewed nor fair. It 'been updated. With examples, clear and precise, with proof in hand, prof. Science, Mathematics, University of Turin, reveals, with the irreverence of the truth, the complicity of the press and ambiguity economic and financial the dangers of products which are mostly offered by banks. Reasons and results. An investment, this reading, to understand how Parmalat, Cirio and Lehman Brothers, despite the scandals that are serious, they remain lower than those from day to day, more people are caused by slips funds, retirement plans, Index. Almost without realizing it. With names and surnames. Strong and healthy from perceived competence and freedom. A book
complaint, and also with "how to save their money, simply and clearly capable of providing indications of common sense to all those who do not feel safe, have no time or interest to finance, ie, in fact, almost all the investors and savers. Because the information is in the hands of the seller. Prior to this book.
For the interested, in the religious sphere to 5) "Caritas in veritate" encyclical letter (reported by Massimo Marinacci)
of Pope Benedict XVI, ed. Libreria Editrice Vaticana - free hypertext
The author of this text is a Roman by adoption and by the name of Benedict XVI. The encyclical is economic and social analysis on the twenty-first century and a point of ethics to make it less unjust to the future.
Also in the religious sphere, at 6) There is no future without solidarity
Dionigi Tettamanzi, Ed San Paolo Turin - € 14 144 P..
A little less than five months since the announcement on Christmas night, the Family Fund - Work in the Diocese of Cardinal Tettamanzi of Milan has raised more than € 4 million coming from contributions of institutions and companies, but also offers Christian communities and of many ordinary people affected by the initial call of the Archbishop: "In this holiday season already marked by the first waves of a severe economic crisis, one question haunts me: I, as archbishop of Milan, what can I do? We, as Ambrose Church, what can we do? ". Confirming once again his ability to combine vision of faith and practice of solidarity, Cardinal Tettamanzi retraces hours intuition Fund and the vision that animates him in his latest book. In the second part of the book, Cardinal analyzes the "spaces" for everyone to experience the dimension of solidarity: the family (solidarity "in the" family "among" families), work (some of the problems dealt with in accordance with the work "figure" Solidarity), the world economic and financial today, the new citizens (immigration), the witness of the ecclesial community; lifestyles. Tests taken from Finsansol.