Cortina. Airport Fiames eccocom'era in a movie of '62 / Video
Click here to see the film Airport Cortina d'Ampezzo in 1962
Click here to see the film Airport Cortina d'Ampezzo in 1962
BELLUNO (4 February) - The battle launched by ' Mrs Daniela Santanché to provide an airport Curtain sparked a lively debate between those for and against. Among the many comments there was also the report of a rare video document created by the company Aeralpi airport and opened in 1962, active with varying fortunes until 1976. The video was made from a super 8 home movie.
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In the images of Bepi Zanfron


Writes the columnist: "The Alpini Brigade Cadore, are continuously engaged over fifteen hundred, three hundred firefighters (sixty staff, other volunteers). All of the Traffic Police Detachment is always at work and so the police, police officers, mountain rescue volunteers are doing their utmost beyond belief. Unfortunately, lack of transportation. "
` Even the Boy Scouts continue the record- - are doing their utmost to work less hazardous. We have seen in the early afternoon several high school students spontaneously ask citizens to leave, they are been used for ancillary services ".
Continuous arrivals from abroad, volunteers motivated by good will, scouts, students, technicians.
In the first line, tireless, Bishop Muccin continues to travel day after day, by any means, roads and skies of the diocese of Belluno and Feltre, to visit the displaced. to bring help and comfort. This practice since the day after the storm, the Opera diocesan assistance arrives to distribute hundreds of pounds of food.
After a few days there are many children evacuation from disaster areas: 53 from five years of age are cared for in dall'Onmi Sedico colony, 20 from four months to four years in the institution of the provincial children's Mussoi.
Airport Belluno is the base camp of the helicopters which are the only means of confirming proper connection in a situation like that.
On 7 November he arrived five, the army and Setaf. Are immediately used for the transport of medicines, urgently required everywhere, chlorine for disinfecting, salt, sugar, milk powder, cberosene, candles, batteries, flame throwers. In addition, three two-seater planes fly over the affected areas. The presence of helicopters in addition, allows Zanfron-open when the card performs dellAssociated Press - to report back with pictures of the dramatic situation of the countries that still can not reach by land.
airport is set up a warehouse to which all flow into 'genres' which is urgently needed.
The collected material is cataloged and divided. According to the plans are taken material from storage and loading helicopters which reach the destinations indicated.
November 12, in news: "Continue the incessant arrival of material donated by several private companies, public entities, by foreign entities. Belluno arrived at the station of 150 sacks of flour, four barrels of oil, twenty packages of clothing. The French Catholic associations have sent 500 blankets. Only one road link will, however, fully resolve the painful and often tragic circumstances of remote areas. The helicopters have so far completed 185 hours of flight missions and 193, have done wonders, but their limited ability to load can only serve to overcome the moments of the first emergency. "
are added mourning in mourning. Arouses the impression of a helicopter crash in Pomezia Air Force headed for the flooded areas of Belluno. Die pilot and engineer. Another interim report of the activities of rescue
"So far, the helicopters carried out over three hundred flights transporting goods (food and materials for the victims) for a total of 104 tons and 885 people. With the transportation vehicles are allowed to send in affected areas further 85 tonnes of food and clothing. "
general mobilization of big politics and government on a visit to the devastated town. The first is Mariano Rumor, secretary of the Christian Democrats. Then you will see the ministers go Restivo, Taviani, Spagnolli. the Ceccherini Secretary, Prime Minister Moro, President of the Republic Saragat. A Taviani, flying over the valleys of the province, it seemed to see "many small Vajont. Saragat, which comes after a visit to Belluno and Valsugana Primiero, provides: " there is no effort that will be addressed to people so worthy of respect."
Just in Belluno on November 18 the President signed a decree law which "further measures and provisions for the reconstruction and economic recovery of areas affected by floods and storms of autumn 1966", published in the 19/11 a special edition of the Official Gazette. 89 articles, effective immediately. It also shows up the former King Umberto, who, through the minister of the royal house Falcone Lucifer gives money and blankets to the families most affected in Alpago Cencenigbe, Allegbe, Gosaldo Zoldo and oven.
II Nov. 13 special session in the County Council unanimously adopted an agenda which calls for Parliament to extend the province of Belluno in 1952 arranged the providences for Polesine and "hopes that the provincial administration being given the task of coordinating, in agreement with other local authorities, all the operations of any nature deemed necessary as part of the province. "
On 20 November 1976 in view of the conference-debate 'Flood, 10 years later: problems and prospects "in the program 27 days after the trading floor of the Chamber of Commerce of Belluno, journalists 'Belluno Press Association - organizer of the meeting - approved at the meeting an agenda which noted that the banner of the Tuscany Region in ten of the disaster was attributed to the recognition of the gold medal for valor civil " the herd test defense of good citizenship and mo-ment "demonstrated by the" whole population, in unity of purpose and noble race gaining the unconditional admiration and gratitude of the country "since immersed in the same tragic situation, the population of the province of Belluno testi-year period, ten years ago, uncommon qualities of courage, selflessness, sacrifice and great participation of civil considered that the serious injury then caused human and material (24 deaths and damage to 50 billion) had no major impact and only the worst for the immediate and unanimous commitment to reconstruction-will be undertaken throughout the local community before and beyond the official aid ( Just think back generously to the migrants return to their countries, their homes, their streets), while aware of the immense historical value, artistic and international urban fabric of Florence show regret and wonder why the same merits are not recognized even in Belluno - land already proven Vajont the disaster - which has given so much to the revival of the country and the training of its democratic institutions, expressing disappointment and bitterness because, on the other hand, programs in support and defense of the mountain and its precarious water balance have not yet translated into action and coordinated, relegating this in a framework of overall development and marginal-balterno " .
Sent to the President of the Republic, the President of the Council of Ministers, the Prefect Belluno, the local parlia-mentary, the presidents of the Veneto and Tuscany, Belluno regional advisers, the president of the Administration of Belluno province, the document will help to promote the consensus that a few years later resulted in the conferral of silver medal for civil merit to the banner of the Province of Belluno.
(Click on pictures to enlarge)

Bepi Thanks!
"your images are unique and rare in the frame for each frame as you know illuminate a scene that has the essence of movement in a movie. "
Tino Gianbattisa Colombo