fuck VARIOUS FREE WHEEL-ACT II But thinking it over his coming was announced

, as in centuries of Nostradamus, however, no one had been able to understand until the What did not come true
(Elijah, Kings 0.1 to 19 0.11-12-13) There was a great and strong wind, that would shake the mountains and break rocks, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.
After the fire there was the whisper of a gentle breeze.
As soon as he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his mantle .... God was the breeze.
something like this, without giving points out to blasphemy, with a slight breeze after wind
earthquake and fire
appeared from overseas so that the CEO liked for ways to Left Social-Liberals had reached the right man, the savior
namely new standards.
But ignorant, the poor wretches, who ...
The sovereign rule should be preferred to be feared,
must be able to miss the word,
must be energetic and without scruples
fact, unilaterally, as a true Prince
violates the protocol of labor relations,
cuts or increases production units at will without any comparison with
per'altro already compliant Unions
The motto of the New Prince , as well as modern political
, is one : "... .. save your skin!"
This here discovered America (in all senses)
What could be better than going to invest in Chrysler in decoction astava Z?
seems to me that Ford and GM is coming back with the banks and the same probably would
Home of Detroit, but we have to compete or not to emerging countries?
and then he says, it takes investment
competition with emerging countries should be made, in my opinion, the "Quality "
is only there that we can play and win the game, this does not mean more
investment but greater responsibility on the part of those who manage not to look
only of "his" portfolio.
As for the staff "more" efficient "I do not think we
no way inferior to anyone if enabled to do good. I
ask if they know what they gave
in terms of quality as the lords Marchionne, allowing the Chinese to buy
Volvo, only try to imagine the many years of research by
of who the subject of safety was always a step ahead that
arrive in Chinese hands.
A gap year burned at a time ..
then you go to America to take the Chrysler ... ... .. but daiiiiiiiiiiir
close with some observations.
1) be a group that four years ago was on the verge of bankruptcy
and is now the fourth largest in the world makes me think that something does not,
2) The famous $ 14 per hour accepted by the American union for new hires
(half of this an elderly worker) within the logical "or eat soup is o. .."
(and then the workers of Chrysler by the union " weigh" In the corporate )
By the same care worker with a reduction in Italy Fiat, 3-level contract namely the maximum passing Law (4 and 5 ° are at the discretion) earns 8.50 €? we give a giovanottino ... ... ... 4 € per hour?
Nobody remembers the short weeks of the German companies paid the same salary?
No eh? It is convenient to remember what is convenient ... ... ...
ah regarding the fact of paying more workers could be more specific ( few) seen that in 2010 went on strike even the Ferrari ... ... ..
always that famous production bonus. ... Of which there were no longer eligible for
bestow In all honesty, however, we can say that this is the worst AD
Company has had! On Methallianjia galaxy gas at 847 million light years,
ten centuries ago, a pitillolamellibranco ruin the economy of an entire planet
For The Series pasquinades